Who are Lions?
Mission Statement
To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.
We are taking on global challenges together. Lions are serving locally to meet needs in their communities, and we are uniting globally around some of the largest challenges facing humanity: diabetes, environment, hunger, vision, and childhood cancer. And we’re building on our tradition of supporting youth by developing new ways to engage them as partners and leaders in service.
The Jacksonville Beaches Lions Club is made up of men and women who live and work right here in your community, volunteering to make a difference for their visually and hearing impaired neighbors and others in the area who are less fortunate.
The Jax Beach Lions have helped to provide the community with services, such as free eye glasses and eye exams, hearing tests and hearing aids, to those who could not otherwise afford them. Lions help raise awareness for the blind and visually impaired by supporting guide dog schools and other non government funded institutions that provide assistance to them.
In addition the Jacksonville Beach Lions Club helps support local charities directly affecting members of the beaches community.
Jacksonville Beaches Lions Club